Do Helmets Protect in Motorcycle Accidents?
Texas law requires motorcycle riders to wear helmets, with one exception. A rider at least 21-years-old who has successfully completed a state-approved motorcycle operator training course and who has at least $10,000 in medical benefits for injuries incurred while operating a motorcycle can choose to ride without a helmet.
We know that many riders want to be given a choice to wear a helmet or ride without one. As personal injury lawyers in San Antonio who have seen the devastating impact of motorcycle accidents, we also know that wearing a helmet can reduce your risk of serious head trauma in an accident. That's why we recommend that all riders wear head protection.
According to the Motorcycle Safety Foundation, scientific studies have confirmed the effectiveness of helmets. Studies have found that helmets are estimated to be 37 percent effective in preventing fatal injuries to motorcycle riders and 42 percent effective for passengers. Studies also reveal that helmets reduce concussions and other head injuries.
Head Protection Saves Lives
You should always wear a helmet that meets the U.S. Department of Transportation and Consumer Product Safety Commission standards. All helmets sold in the United States are required to meet such standards. You can look for a US DOT sticker on an approved helmet.
We know that some riders will ignore studies or even repeat myths that suggest wearing helmets makes riding more dangerous. They will say that a helmet impairs road vision or interferes with hearing or even causes broken necks in accidents. These myths have been disproved, which is why there is no reason to ride without one.
While helmets do reduce the risk of injuries or death in an accident, they won't guarantee that you will walk away from a serious accident. Unfortunately, motorcycle accidents happen all too often in Texas, and they occur in many cases through no fault of the operator. An inattentive driver might sideswipe a motorcyclist or turn in to the path of a biker who has the right of way in an intersection.
You Can Rely on Our Tough-Minded Attorneys
If you or a loved one was injured in a motorcycle accident, call the Herrera Law Firm to learn about your rights. You may be entitled to compensation for your losses, including medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering and more. Call us or contact us online.