San Antonio, TX Personal Injury Lawyers
Local 1-210-224-1054

Insurance companies and car accidents

Injured in a crash? Put your trust in a San Antonio car accident lawyer.

Insurance companies want you to believe they’re looking out for your best interests after you’ve been injured in a car accident. They want you to think they’re working tirelessly to make sure you receive the compensation you need and deserve. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. When that happens, a car accident lawyer from our San Antonio law firm can help you make things right. If you’ve been injured in a crash, let our legal team deal with the insurance company on your behalf. The experienced car accident attorneys from the Herrera Law Firm can get you the compensation you’re entitled to. Contact us today for a free consultation.

In many cases, insurance companies only care about one thing – paying accident victims as little as possible. That’s why they do everything they can to reduce or deny accident claims.

The Herrera Law Firm

1800 W. Commerce St.
San Antonio, TX 78207
Phone: (210) 224-1054

Some adjusters and attorneys for insurance companies will work hard to keep payments to an absolute minimum. They will dispute claims and take questionable actions to prevent accident victims from recovering all their damages. They may even fail to honor certain legal obligations, which may give rise to a bad faith insurance claim.

If you were injured in a car accident, you need to take aggressive action to make sure you don’t get taken advantage of by an insurance company. The car accident lawyers from the Herrera Law Firm know how to protect your rights. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Understand your rights. Contact a car accident attorney before speaking to the insurance company

Your own car insurance company and the insurer of the person who caused your accident will seek information for different reasons. Before talking with an insurance adjuster or investigator, contact an attorney from the Herrera Law Firm. Even if the other driver clearly caused your crash, don’t say a word to them before talking to us.

If you give an insurance company a recorded statement, your statement could be used as evidence if a lawsuit is filed later. Insurance adjusters are trained to ask questions in a way that is favorable to them. Don’t fall for their tricks.

Our car accident lawyers can help you navigate the complicated legal minefield accident victims often encounter after a crash. We know how to negotiate with insurance companies. If they refuse to cooperate, we’re prepared to file a lawsuit against them and take them to court. Best of all, you don’t pay us any attorney fees unless we recover compensation in your case.

Uninsured Driver Accidents

If your insurance includes uninsured or underinsured benefits, you can get paid by your own insurance carrier. Uninsured or underinsured benefits may cover damages caused by a hit-and-run driver, or by a driver who has some insurance, but not enough to cover the full cost of your accident.

Other legal options also exist. We can explain all of them to you. Our experienced San Antonio car accident attorneys thoroughly understand the legal system in Texas and how it related to accidents involving uninsured drivers. If there’s any avenue to get you the compensation you deserve, we will not rest until we find a way to win your case.

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Bad Faith Insurance

“Bad faith” is a term used when an insurance company doesn’t honor its obligations. When you have a legitimate car accident claim, it’s illegal for the insurance company to willingly not pay, deny or delay your claim.

Bad faith insurance cases arise from disputes between you and your own insurance company. In Texas and throughout the U.S., insurance companies must handle claims with a reasonable degree of efficiency and ethical conduct when working with people who have suffered personal injury or property loss.

Unfortunately, not all insurance companies treat people this way. Some insurance companies act in bad faith, especially when it comes to compensating car accident victims. That’s why it’s critical that you contact our law firm as soon as possible. We know how to hold insurance companies responsible and make them compensate you what they owe.

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Free Case Consultation

    The Herrera
    Law Firm
    1800 W. Commerce St.
    San Antonio, TX 78207
    Toll Free: 1-800-455-1054
    Phone: 1-210-224-1054
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